How Virtual Try-On Technology Can Revolutionize the Retail Industry

VTO | Retail brands
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Mar 2024

What is Virtual Try-On Technology?

In the swiftly evolving retail and fashion landscapes, virtual try-on (VTO) technology emerges as a transformative force, seamlessly blending augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) to craft an immersive shopping experience. This innovation allows consumers to visualize how various products, from apparel and accessories to eyewear and cosmetics, would look on them before making a purchase, all from the comfort of their home.

VTO technology relies on a host of advanced computational techniques. Machine learning models are trained on vast datasets to understand the myriad ways clothing and accessories can fit on different body types. Augmented Reality technology then provides the seamless overlay of virtual items onto the user's body or face in the camera feed, ensuring that the digital representation moves and adjusts realistically as the user moves.

How It Works?

The process begins with the user accessing a VTO application via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The technology then uses the device's camera to create a live or uploaded image of the user. Advanced algorithms and computer vision technology map the user's dimensions and features, creating a detailed digital model of the user.

For apparel and accessories, AI algorithms analyze the product's properties (such as texture, material, and size) and digitally overlay it onto the user's image or avatar in real-time. This not only allows the customer to see how the item looks on them but also provides an idea of the fit and drape of the fabric.

In the case of makeup, facial recognition technology identifies different facial features, and AR technology applies the makeup colors and styles directly onto the user’s image, allowing them to experiment with different looks without any physical application.

For eyewear and accessories, the technology adjusts the size and orientation of the products to match the user's facial dimensions accurately, providing a realistic representation of how glasses, earrings, or hats would look when worn.

Benefits of Virtual Try-on (VTO) Technology for the Retail Industry

The benefits of virtual try-on (VTO) technology for the retail industry are vast and multifaceted, touching on aspects of customer engagement, inventory management, and overall sales performance.

<span style="font-weight:500">1. Increased Conversion Rates</span>

VTO technology significantly boosts online conversion rates. According to a study by Shopify, products with AR content showed a 94% higher conversion rate compared to products without it. This uptick can be attributed to the enhanced shopping experience that VTO provides, giving customers a better understanding of how products look and fit, which in turn reduces hesitation in making a purchase.

<span style="font-weight:500">2. Reduced Return Rates</span>

One of the biggest challenges in online retail is the high rate of product returns, primarily due to size and fit issues or a disparity between how products appear online and in reality. VTO technology addresses this problem head-on. A report by Accenture highlights that VTO can reduce return rates by up to 25%, saving retailers a significant amount in logistics and restocking costs.

<span style="font-weight:500">3. Enhanced Customer Engagement and Loyalty</span>

By integrating VTO technology, retailers can offer a more interactive and personalized shopping experience. This innovation not only attracts customers but also encourages them to spend more time on the retailer's platform. Industry leaders like Gartner recognize the potential of Augmented Reality to enhance customer experience in the retail space.

<span style="font-weight:500">4. Access to Valuable Data and Insights</span>

VTO technology provides retailers with rich data on customer preferences and behaviors. By analyzing interactions with VTO features, retailers can gain insights into popular products, fit issues, and trends. This data can inform inventory decisions, marketing strategies, and product development, ensuring that offerings are closely aligned with customer demands.

<span style="font-weight:500">5. Competitive Advantage</span>

In a crowded market, differentiation is key. Retailers employing VTO technology position themselves as forward-thinking and customer-centric, distinguishing their brand from competitors. The innovation serves as a powerful marketing tool, attracting tech-savvy shoppers and generating buzz. Reports suggest early adopters of Augmented Reality technologies in retail are likely to see a perceivable increase in customer engagement metrics, setting the stage for long-term brand loyalty and market share growth.

<span style="font-weight:500">6. Cost Savings on Physical Inventory and Store Space</span>

Virtual try-on allows retailers to showcase a broader range of products without the need for physical samples in every size and color. This can lead to significant savings on inventory costs and the need for less physical retail space. Since inventory carrying costs range from 20-30% of the total inventory value, this leads to significant savings for retailers.

<span style="font-weight:500">7. Global Reach and Inclusivity</span>

VTO technology makes it easier for retailers to reach a global audience, offering an inclusive shopping experience that transcends geographical and physical limitations. Customers from anywhere in the world can try products virtually, making it feasible for retailers to expand their market without the need for a physical presence in those regions.

Real-world Examples of Virtual Try-On Technology in Action

Virtual try-on technology is being enthusiastically adopted across various segments of the retail industry, from fashion and accessories to eyewear and even furniture. Here are a few examples of how companies are leveraging this technology to enhance customer experience and drive sales:

<span style="font-weight:500">1. Sephora Virtual Artist</span>

Sephora, a leading beauty retailer, has implemented virtual try-on features in its app, allowing customers to experiment with different makeup products. The 'Virtual Artist' tool uses facial recognition technology to apply makeup to users' live images or photos realistically. Customers can try on thousands of shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and other makeup products, making it easier to find the perfect products without physically testing them. This innovative approach has not only improved the shopping experience for customers but has also significantly increased engagement and sales for Sephora.

<span style="font-weight:500">2. Warby Parker's Virtual Try-On</span>

Warby Parker, the eyewear company, offers a virtual try-on feature in its app that allows customers to see how glasses look on their faces using Augmented Reality technology. By using the smartphone's camera, customers can virtually try on various frames from the comfort of their home, making the selection process much more convenient and personalized. This feature has helped Warby Parker stand out in a competitive market by offering a unique service that enhances customer satisfaction and reduces the likelihood of returns.

<span style="font-weight:500">3. Nike Fit</span>

Nike introduced 'Nike Fit,' a scanning solution that uses a combination of computer vision, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and recommendation algorithms to find the correct shoe size for customers. This technology scans the user's feet using a smartphone camera to recommend the best-fitting shoe size for each Nike model. By addressing the common problem of sizing in online shoe shopping, Nike Fit aims to improve customer satisfaction, reduce returns, and ensure that customers are more confident in their purchases.

<span style="font-weight:500">4. IKEA Place</span>

IKEA has ventured into Augmented Reality with its 'IKEA Place' app, allowing customers to visualize how furniture and decor items will look and fit in their own spaces. Users can virtually place true-to-scale 3D models of IKEA products in their rooms, making it easier to make purchasing decisions without the guesswork. This use of virtual try-on technology in the home decor segment demonstrates its versatility and potential to transform not just how we shop for clothes or makeup, but also how we furnish our homes.

<span style="font-weight:500">5. Gucci's Virtual Try-On for Sneakers</span>

Luxury brand Gucci launches a virtual try-on feature for sneakers. Using Augmented Reality technology, customers can see how different pairs of sneakers would look on their feet by simply pointing their smartphone camera at their feet. This feature, available through the Gucci app, not only enhances the shopping experience for customers but also aligns with Gucci's innovative and luxury brand image.

The Future is Here

As we look to the future, it's clear that VTO technology is not just a passing phase but a fundamental shift in the retail industry. It offers a bridge between the convenience of online shopping and the personalized touch of in-store experiences, promising to elevate customer satisfaction, reduce operational costs, and provide a competitive edge in the digital age. For the retail industry, embracing VTO technology is not just an option but a necessity to stay relevant and thrive in the rapidly evolving market landscape.

In conclusion, virtual try-on technology stands at the precipice of retail's future, offering a unique opportunity to enhance the consumer journey, streamline operations, and carve out a distinctive market position. As this technology continues to evolve and become more integrated into our shopping habits, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of retail. For brands looking to lead the charge in innovation and customer engagement, the adoption of VTO technology is not just beneficial—it's imperative.

Why offers an advanced Augmented Reality platform for retail companies that enables customers to try on products virtually with unparalleled realism and precision. Metadome’s technology is powered by cutting-edge AI algorithms that accurately map the products onto the user's image or video in real-time, considering factors such as lighting, shadows, and the product's physical characteristics to create a lifelike simulation.

Metadome’s virtual try-on solution is created as the complete sales enablement solution for brands, enabling customers to discover, try, & shop for their best look, all from the comfort of their homes. It is designed to delight users by blending everyday applications of camera & e-commerce, and giving a true-to-product experience to consumers. It integrates seamlessly with online platforms, making it easy for retailers to offer virtual try-on features on their websites, mobile apps, and in stores. provides a highly scalable solution, capable of supporting a wide range of products from jewellery and accessories to eyewear and makeup. This versatility allows retailers across different segments of the industry to leverage virtual try-on technology to meet their specific needs.

Furthermore,'s technology includes advanced analytics capabilities, providing retailers with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This data can inform product development, inventory management, and marketing strategies, helping retailers to stay ahead of trends and better meet the needs of their customers.

Ready to bridge the gap between virtual and reality in your VTO journey? Explore how Metadome can elevate your brand’s virtual try-on experience: Book a Demo today.

What is Virtual Try-On Technology?

In the swiftly evolving retail and fashion landscapes, virtual try-on (VTO) technology emerges as a transformative force, seamlessly blending augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) to craft an immersive shopping experience. This innovation allows consumers to visualize how various products, from apparel and accessories to eyewear and cosmetics, would look on them before making a purchase, all from the comfort of their home.

VTO technology relies on a host of advanced computational techniques. Machine learning models are trained on vast datasets to understand the myriad ways clothing and accessories can fit on different body types. Augmented Reality technology then provides the seamless overlay of virtual items onto the user's body or face in the camera feed, ensuring that the digital representation moves and adjusts realistically as the user moves.

How It Works?

The process begins with the user accessing a VTO application via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The technology then uses the device's camera to create a live or uploaded image of the user. Advanced algorithms and computer vision technology map the user's dimensions and features, creating a detailed digital model of the user.

For apparel and accessories, AI algorithms analyze the product's properties (such as texture, material, and size) and digitally overlay it onto the user's image or avatar in real-time. This not only allows the customer to see how the item looks on them but also provides an idea of the fit and drape of the fabric.

In the case of makeup, facial recognition technology identifies different facial features, and AR technology applies the makeup colors and styles directly onto the user’s image, allowing them to experiment with different looks without any physical application.

For eyewear and accessories, the technology adjusts the size and orientation of the products to match the user's facial dimensions accurately, providing a realistic representation of how glasses, earrings, or hats would look when worn.

Benefits of Virtual Try-on (VTO) Technology for the Retail Industry

The benefits of virtual try-on (VTO) technology for the retail industry are vast and multifaceted, touching on aspects of customer engagement, inventory management, and overall sales performance.

<span style="font-weight:500">1. Increased Conversion Rates</span>

VTO technology significantly boosts online conversion rates. According to a study by Shopify, products with AR content showed a 94% higher conversion rate compared to products without it. This uptick can be attributed to the enhanced shopping experience that VTO provides, giving customers a better understanding of how products look and fit, which in turn reduces hesitation in making a purchase.

<span style="font-weight:500">2. Reduced Return Rates</span>

One of the biggest challenges in online retail is the high rate of product returns, primarily due to size and fit issues or a disparity between how products appear online and in reality. VTO technology addresses this problem head-on. A report by Accenture highlights that VTO can reduce return rates by up to 25%, saving retailers a significant amount in logistics and restocking costs.

<span style="font-weight:500">3. Enhanced Customer Engagement and Loyalty</span>

By integrating VTO technology, retailers can offer a more interactive and personalized shopping experience. This innovation not only attracts customers but also encourages them to spend more time on the retailer's platform. Industry leaders like Gartner recognize the potential of Augmented Reality to enhance customer experience in the retail space.

<span style="font-weight:500">4. Access to Valuable Data and Insights</span>

VTO technology provides retailers with rich data on customer preferences and behaviors. By analyzing interactions with VTO features, retailers can gain insights into popular products, fit issues, and trends. This data can inform inventory decisions, marketing strategies, and product development, ensuring that offerings are closely aligned with customer demands.

<span style="font-weight:500">5. Competitive Advantage</span>

In a crowded market, differentiation is key. Retailers employing VTO technology position themselves as forward-thinking and customer-centric, distinguishing their brand from competitors. The innovation serves as a powerful marketing tool, attracting tech-savvy shoppers and generating buzz. Reports suggest early adopters of Augmented Reality technologies in retail are likely to see a perceivable increase in customer engagement metrics, setting the stage for long-term brand loyalty and market share growth.

<span style="font-weight:500">6. Cost Savings on Physical Inventory and Store Space</span>

Virtual try-on allows retailers to showcase a broader range of products without the need for physical samples in every size and color. This can lead to significant savings on inventory costs and the need for less physical retail space. Since inventory carrying costs range from 20-30% of the total inventory value, this leads to significant savings for retailers.

<span style="font-weight:500">7. Global Reach and Inclusivity</span>

VTO technology makes it easier for retailers to reach a global audience, offering an inclusive shopping experience that transcends geographical and physical limitations. Customers from anywhere in the world can try products virtually, making it feasible for retailers to expand their market without the need for a physical presence in those regions.

Real-world Examples of Virtual Try-On Technology in Action

Virtual try-on technology is being enthusiastically adopted across various segments of the retail industry, from fashion and accessories to eyewear and even furniture. Here are a few examples of how companies are leveraging this technology to enhance customer experience and drive sales:

<span style="font-weight:500">1. Sephora Virtual Artist</span>

Sephora, a leading beauty retailer, has implemented virtual try-on features in its app, allowing customers to experiment with different makeup products. The 'Virtual Artist' tool uses facial recognition technology to apply makeup to users' live images or photos realistically. Customers can try on thousands of shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and other makeup products, making it easier to find the perfect products without physically testing them. This innovative approach has not only improved the shopping experience for customers but has also significantly increased engagement and sales for Sephora.

<span style="font-weight:500">2. Warby Parker's Virtual Try-On</span>

Warby Parker, the eyewear company, offers a virtual try-on feature in its app that allows customers to see how glasses look on their faces using Augmented Reality technology. By using the smartphone's camera, customers can virtually try on various frames from the comfort of their home, making the selection process much more convenient and personalized. This feature has helped Warby Parker stand out in a competitive market by offering a unique service that enhances customer satisfaction and reduces the likelihood of returns.

<span style="font-weight:500">3. Nike Fit</span>

Nike introduced 'Nike Fit,' a scanning solution that uses a combination of computer vision, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and recommendation algorithms to find the correct shoe size for customers. This technology scans the user's feet using a smartphone camera to recommend the best-fitting shoe size for each Nike model. By addressing the common problem of sizing in online shoe shopping, Nike Fit aims to improve customer satisfaction, reduce returns, and ensure that customers are more confident in their purchases.

<span style="font-weight:500">4. IKEA Place</span>

IKEA has ventured into Augmented Reality with its 'IKEA Place' app, allowing customers to visualize how furniture and decor items will look and fit in their own spaces. Users can virtually place true-to-scale 3D models of IKEA products in their rooms, making it easier to make purchasing decisions without the guesswork. This use of virtual try-on technology in the home decor segment demonstrates its versatility and potential to transform not just how we shop for clothes or makeup, but also how we furnish our homes.

<span style="font-weight:500">5. Gucci's Virtual Try-On for Sneakers</span>

Luxury brand Gucci launches a virtual try-on feature for sneakers. Using Augmented Reality technology, customers can see how different pairs of sneakers would look on their feet by simply pointing their smartphone camera at their feet. This feature, available through the Gucci app, not only enhances the shopping experience for customers but also aligns with Gucci's innovative and luxury brand image.

The Future is Here

As we look to the future, it's clear that VTO technology is not just a passing phase but a fundamental shift in the retail industry. It offers a bridge between the convenience of online shopping and the personalized touch of in-store experiences, promising to elevate customer satisfaction, reduce operational costs, and provide a competitive edge in the digital age. For the retail industry, embracing VTO technology is not just an option but a necessity to stay relevant and thrive in the rapidly evolving market landscape.

In conclusion, virtual try-on technology stands at the precipice of retail's future, offering a unique opportunity to enhance the consumer journey, streamline operations, and carve out a distinctive market position. As this technology continues to evolve and become more integrated into our shopping habits, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of retail. For brands looking to lead the charge in innovation and customer engagement, the adoption of VTO technology is not just beneficial—it's imperative.

Why offers an advanced Augmented Reality platform for retail companies that enables customers to try on products virtually with unparalleled realism and precision. Metadome’s technology is powered by cutting-edge AI algorithms that accurately map the products onto the user's image or video in real-time, considering factors such as lighting, shadows, and the product's physical characteristics to create a lifelike simulation.

Metadome’s virtual try-on solution is created as the complete sales enablement solution for brands, enabling customers to discover, try, & shop for their best look, all from the comfort of their homes. It is designed to delight users by blending everyday applications of camera & e-commerce, and giving a true-to-product experience to consumers. It integrates seamlessly with online platforms, making it easy for retailers to offer virtual try-on features on their websites, mobile apps, and in stores. provides a highly scalable solution, capable of supporting a wide range of products from jewellery and accessories to eyewear and makeup. This versatility allows retailers across different segments of the industry to leverage virtual try-on technology to meet their specific needs.

Furthermore,'s technology includes advanced analytics capabilities, providing retailers with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This data can inform product development, inventory management, and marketing strategies, helping retailers to stay ahead of trends and better meet the needs of their customers.

Ready to bridge the gap between virtual and reality in your VTO journey? Explore how Metadome can elevate your brand’s virtual try-on experience: Book a Demo today.

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